Friday, 21 March 2008

Cupboard Breakfast

Owing more to the fact that they were the only thing left suitable in the house rather than any pre thought out menu, George had avocado and pear for breakfast...they both went down fairly well, with perhaps the avocado being favoured over the pear. Breakfast also saw the introduction of the sippy cup for the first time and Baby G seemed to know exactly what to do with it and once I'd taken the valve out which meant the water just came out he was pleasantly surprised by the whole thing. I'd left the skin on the avocado and it was quickly dispatched once George got used to the slimyness! Breakfast was followed with a chaser of calpol as babyG was screaming (prime suspect = teeth)

For lunch George had a variety of things including purple sprouting broccoli, some baked apple segments and an Organix apple rice cake (stage 2 suitable from 7 months...we'll show them at 24 weeks!) - can you tell I'd been shopping? All of this went down really well, but I have found out that purple sprouting broccoli has looser leaves than normal evidenced by the bits found on the floor after the meal.

The rice cake was dealt with really well and some of it even went down which I didn't think would happen as it is by far the driest food that George has dealt with so far, again lunch was polished of with calpol pudding...poor babyG.

In other news, we have been referred to a dietitian as George gets a funny rash over his eyes and top of his head when he is breastfeeding, despite the dairy free diet, so hopefully we'll start to get some answer to the whole rash, eczema and vomiting conundrum.

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