Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Roast Potato Breakfast

Well, as I was a lazy mummy and hadn't been to the shop George had leftovers for breakfast and I must say, he takes after his daddy on the roast potato front. They were thoroughly gummed and I had to go back for more! In addition to roasties George had a bit of melon, I thnk it was a bit cold for him, having come straight out of the fridge so it was mainly ignored then thrown on the floor.

Lunch was a lot more succesful having been shopping. George had some rice cakes with last weeks hummous spread on them (sparingly), a banana and a plum. The rice cakes were attacked rather ferociously, babyG obviously likes the strong taste of hummous, but it was the banana that swiftly became the main meal being throughly chomped on for about half an hour.

I think the hummous had dome something to babyG's inside though as there were a few ominous bum trumps throughout the rest of the day, with a bit of sickiness, and he smelt like garlic for a fair while too. He did however go to bed really well so it can't have been too bad.

1 comment:

yes said...

happy half birthday George.