Thursday, 29 May 2008

Bank Holiday Weekend

We went to Scotland last weekend and George had a wonderful time! He also experienced his first picnic, and then swiftly his second!

Breakfast throughout the weekend was cranberry wheats which he seems to be getting a little tired of so thank goodness Mr Sainsburys is coming round tomorrow!

Lunch on Friday took place at a small grassy area near a stream and the road...don't ask me which one, I can't remember. George ate some veggie patties which I had made specially for the occasion, thinking that they would travel well and be fairly clean! They did and they were. For pudding George had a M&S fruit salad and scoffed all of it including the orange which I thought he'd pull a face at but no!

Here is George enjoying his first ever picnic!

Tea was another *from the freezer at home* affair and was fishcakes which went down as well as ever. Cousin Jamie came home half way through tea and he had his tea too. They tried to share food, but weren't quite close enough!

Saturday Breakfast saw the boys mimicking each other with their sippy cups, so I had to get a pic!

Lunch on Saturday was chicken, potato and peas. George loved it! Then we went to a car rally and tried the baby rucksack thing that Claire gave was good and I think G enjoyed being in it, even if the cars were slightly loud! Tea was jacket potato and beans which again was swiflty scoffled up.

Here is G at the rally.

Sunday saw George enjoying his second picnic, this time at the beach! He wasn;t really that fussed about food, probably due to the major excitement at going to the beach for the first time. Here he is enjoying his first ever beach experience!

Afraid I can't remember what he had for tea!

Monday saw us heading back home and G was really not fussed about food and saw us going back to the out of hours doctors as his temperature spiked up again. He still has a virus and the doctor said he could be like this for another week or so! Me, I 'd like him to sleep again sooon!

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Illness, teething and other George related goings on

We have had some tricky times recently, George is cutting 2 top teeth, they are so very near the surface and I am furiously brushing his gums to see whether it helps bring them through! He has also had a asty virus that has seen us visit the GP, the hospital and the out of hours GP all in the space of a week! He hasn't been sleeping great and has been eating in fits and starts.

We have also been away this weekend so it's been busy busy busy in George land, oooh and cousin Hannah has been to stay with the grandparents so there has been lots of babies eating together going on, and stealing each others food (and socks)

New things George has eaten include Chilli (sans le chilli flakes), which went down well (and turned cousin Hannah into a carnivore - Hurrah!), a whole peach, and haddock cakes (maybe he's had these before), all of the above have gone down really well with no adverse affects so YAY to that!

Here's some *media* of the weeks activities

Hannah eating meat from G's lap!

Monday, 19 May 2008

Wonderful Weekend

Morning Bloggy peeps

On Saturday George had a late start, he woke at 5 so jumped in with us and we all had a family lie in till 7:40, he started the day with his staple food of Raisin Wheats - he likes them, they like him...nuff said, well only that the dogs seemed to like them too.

Check out G's pants on the airer!

For lunch he had a veggie sausages and veggies. He wasn't too impressed with much of it to be fair and I had to help him out on the sausage front!

Tea was altogether a much more successful meal I have overcome my instant retch on the sight of fish and being a good mummy have made G fishcakes - on more than one occassion! So for tea he had haddock fishcakes with a few peas in to boost his veggie intake, they hardly touched the sides and we have some left for the freezer (yay!!).

Sunday started with quelle surprise! RAISIN WHEATS, who guessed it??

For lunch he had pea and broccolli omelette which he wasn't too keen on, the accompnaying cherry tomatoes were duly deseeded and the 'shells' cast aside!pudding was sugar free banan and raisin bread which quite frankly George was lucky to get any of. He loved it however and again, there is some left in the freezer for emergencies (mummy or baby).

Tea saw the introduction of chicken. G was really tentative to start with, so I gave him 1/2 a slice of toast with marmite, from which he sucked all the juice. After the toast and a few organix crisps he went back to the chicken and wolfed it down with amazing speed, I think we have a carnivore! Pudding was the last few strawberries which weren't all that ripe and I thought they were sour but G seemed to like them and they were polished off fairly rapidly!

He tried the peach that was on offer but again, it was a bit underripe so was thrown onto the floor. Then, he had some fun with his sippy cup!

Saturday, 17 May 2008


Well, George celebrated Friday by having raisin wheats, and will celebrate even more when he's finished the box by using the 'free swim' voucher that Mr Kelloggs has kindly put on the back! To be honest he wasn't all that interested in the wheats and the dogs cleaned up quite a few that had been thrown to the floor.

For lunch I was in a bit of a quandary, I had a full cupboard but not very much time to cook so George had last nights left over sweet potato wedges (thrown on the floor) and sweetcorn fritters, which I thought he had thrown overboard mostly, but have recently found out that he ate quite a few, if you know what I mean. Pudding was strawberries which as usual went down the hatch with no problem

Tea was a family affair of shepherds pie. G wasn't that fussed really but did eat some of it. Pudding was a nectarine, a former favourite, but after a bit of gumming it was thrown aside for the dogs to come and clear up. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better food day for G.

Friday, 16 May 2008

Thursday 16th

Well, for Breakfast G had Porridge Pancakes, basically it is porridge (well ready brek as it's all I had) cooked for a loooong time, then made into little 'blobs' for want of a better word, and cooled. He didn't like them, they ended up on the floor, can't say I blame him really as I tasted them and they were rank. He also had a banana but again most of it ended up on the floor.

Lunch time was an emergency meal of eggy bread and raisins. George again threw most of his dinner onto the floor and honed his pincer grip on the raisins. he actually managed to eat some too so he must be getting better.

Tea was a much more colourful affair, having been shopping I was able to offer George a variety of veg. Sweet potato wedges, broccolli, cauliflower, mini corns, cucumber and cherry tomatoes were mainly discarded, but a dessert of strawberries was polished off in no time!

He is getting his top 2 teeth now as well so expect less eating and more screaming from the boy in the next few days!

Thursday, 15 May 2008

Slack Mummy

Contrary to popular belief George has been eating stuff since the last entry, it's just that I haven';t been updating things, but hey, it's my blog and I shall do with it what I will. Really the whole sickness thing had reduced so much I had thought we didn't need to keep much of a log of what he'd eaten but there have been a few sicky episodes that have prompted me to revisit the food diary thing.

George has taken to breakfasts in a big way, having real human sized portions of cereals, although somewhat controversially he didn't really take that much to shreddies. He wasn't too keen on mini oatibix either, I think it was the apple and sultana that put him off. Mini wheats are definitely the big hits here. Yesterday, due to lack of planning G had swiftly made wakey cakeys which he wolfed down, if they didn't need cooking I could do him these everyday and I think he'd be happy.

for main meals George has eaten loads of stuff, and we've even eaten as a whole family a couple of times....scary I know. Meals of note include, chicken and chickpea burgers, fishcakes, veggie patties and gnocchi bolognese, all have gone down well, in fact the gnocchi bol was last nights tea and was an occasion we ate as a whole family. George however isn't keen on us eating when he is, spending the entire time grumping, until we had finished, he then quite happily tucked into his own dinner.

One of the big hits has been strawberries, he must have eaten 2 punnet fulls by himself (with only minimal helping from me), it got to a point where I had to leave them in the kitchen until he had finished his main meal, otherwise it would have been all chucked on the floor.

Here are some pics of him...(and one of cousin Hannah perfecting her Jaffa cake smile)

We still don't have a pincer grip here, although he is only 7 1/2 months, we do however have rolling everywhere and he is somehow able to move forwards on his tummy, although doesn't crawl....not sure how.