Friday, 16 May 2008

Thursday 16th

Well, for Breakfast G had Porridge Pancakes, basically it is porridge (well ready brek as it's all I had) cooked for a loooong time, then made into little 'blobs' for want of a better word, and cooled. He didn't like them, they ended up on the floor, can't say I blame him really as I tasted them and they were rank. He also had a banana but again most of it ended up on the floor.

Lunch time was an emergency meal of eggy bread and raisins. George again threw most of his dinner onto the floor and honed his pincer grip on the raisins. he actually managed to eat some too so he must be getting better.

Tea was a much more colourful affair, having been shopping I was able to offer George a variety of veg. Sweet potato wedges, broccolli, cauliflower, mini corns, cucumber and cherry tomatoes were mainly discarded, but a dessert of strawberries was polished off in no time!

He is getting his top 2 teeth now as well so expect less eating and more screaming from the boy in the next few days!

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