Breakfast throughout the weekend was cranberry wheats which he seems to be getting a little tired of so thank goodness Mr Sainsburys is coming round tomorrow!
Lunch on Friday took place at a small grassy area near a stream and the road...don't ask me which one, I can't remember. George ate some veggie patties which I had made specially for the occasion, thinking that they would travel well and be fairly clean! They did and they were. For pudding George had a M&S fruit salad and scoffed all of it including the orange which I thought he'd pull a face at but no!
Here is George enjoying his first ever picnic!
Tea was another *from the freezer at home* affair and was fishcakes which went down as well as ever. Cousin Jamie came home half way through tea and he had his tea too. They tried to share food, but weren't quite close enough!
Saturday Breakfast saw the boys mimicking each other with their sippy cups, so I had to get a pic!
Lunch on Saturday was chicken, potato and peas. George loved it! Then we went to a car rally and tried the baby rucksack thing that Claire gave was good and I think G enjoyed being in it, even if the cars were slightly loud! Tea was jacket potato and beans which again was swiflty scoffled up.
Here is G at the rally.
Sunday saw George enjoying his second picnic, this time at the beach! He wasn;t really that fussed about food, probably due to the major excitement at going to the beach for the first time. Here he is enjoying his first ever beach experience!
Afraid I can't remember what he had for tea!
Monday saw us heading back home and G was really not fussed about food and saw us going back to the out of hours doctors as his temperature spiked up again. He still has a virus and the doctor said he could be like this for another week or so! Me, I 'd like him to sleep again sooon!
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