Thursday, 29 May 2008

Bank Holiday Weekend

We went to Scotland last weekend and George had a wonderful time! He also experienced his first picnic, and then swiftly his second!

Breakfast throughout the weekend was cranberry wheats which he seems to be getting a little tired of so thank goodness Mr Sainsburys is coming round tomorrow!

Lunch on Friday took place at a small grassy area near a stream and the road...don't ask me which one, I can't remember. George ate some veggie patties which I had made specially for the occasion, thinking that they would travel well and be fairly clean! They did and they were. For pudding George had a M&S fruit salad and scoffed all of it including the orange which I thought he'd pull a face at but no!

Here is George enjoying his first ever picnic!

Tea was another *from the freezer at home* affair and was fishcakes which went down as well as ever. Cousin Jamie came home half way through tea and he had his tea too. They tried to share food, but weren't quite close enough!

Saturday Breakfast saw the boys mimicking each other with their sippy cups, so I had to get a pic!

Lunch on Saturday was chicken, potato and peas. George loved it! Then we went to a car rally and tried the baby rucksack thing that Claire gave was good and I think G enjoyed being in it, even if the cars were slightly loud! Tea was jacket potato and beans which again was swiflty scoffled up.

Here is G at the rally.

Sunday saw George enjoying his second picnic, this time at the beach! He wasn;t really that fussed about food, probably due to the major excitement at going to the beach for the first time. Here he is enjoying his first ever beach experience!

Afraid I can't remember what he had for tea!

Monday saw us heading back home and G was really not fussed about food and saw us going back to the out of hours doctors as his temperature spiked up again. He still has a virus and the doctor said he could be like this for another week or so! Me, I 'd like him to sleep again sooon!

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Illness, teething and other George related goings on

We have had some tricky times recently, George is cutting 2 top teeth, they are so very near the surface and I am furiously brushing his gums to see whether it helps bring them through! He has also had a asty virus that has seen us visit the GP, the hospital and the out of hours GP all in the space of a week! He hasn't been sleeping great and has been eating in fits and starts.

We have also been away this weekend so it's been busy busy busy in George land, oooh and cousin Hannah has been to stay with the grandparents so there has been lots of babies eating together going on, and stealing each others food (and socks)

New things George has eaten include Chilli (sans le chilli flakes), which went down well (and turned cousin Hannah into a carnivore - Hurrah!), a whole peach, and haddock cakes (maybe he's had these before), all of the above have gone down really well with no adverse affects so YAY to that!

Here's some *media* of the weeks activities

Hannah eating meat from G's lap!

Monday, 19 May 2008

Wonderful Weekend

Morning Bloggy peeps

On Saturday George had a late start, he woke at 5 so jumped in with us and we all had a family lie in till 7:40, he started the day with his staple food of Raisin Wheats - he likes them, they like him...nuff said, well only that the dogs seemed to like them too.

Check out G's pants on the airer!

For lunch he had a veggie sausages and veggies. He wasn't too impressed with much of it to be fair and I had to help him out on the sausage front!

Tea was altogether a much more successful meal I have overcome my instant retch on the sight of fish and being a good mummy have made G fishcakes - on more than one occassion! So for tea he had haddock fishcakes with a few peas in to boost his veggie intake, they hardly touched the sides and we have some left for the freezer (yay!!).

Sunday started with quelle surprise! RAISIN WHEATS, who guessed it??

For lunch he had pea and broccolli omelette which he wasn't too keen on, the accompnaying cherry tomatoes were duly deseeded and the 'shells' cast aside!pudding was sugar free banan and raisin bread which quite frankly George was lucky to get any of. He loved it however and again, there is some left in the freezer for emergencies (mummy or baby).

Tea saw the introduction of chicken. G was really tentative to start with, so I gave him 1/2 a slice of toast with marmite, from which he sucked all the juice. After the toast and a few organix crisps he went back to the chicken and wolfed it down with amazing speed, I think we have a carnivore! Pudding was the last few strawberries which weren't all that ripe and I thought they were sour but G seemed to like them and they were polished off fairly rapidly!

He tried the peach that was on offer but again, it was a bit underripe so was thrown onto the floor. Then, he had some fun with his sippy cup!

Saturday, 17 May 2008


Well, George celebrated Friday by having raisin wheats, and will celebrate even more when he's finished the box by using the 'free swim' voucher that Mr Kelloggs has kindly put on the back! To be honest he wasn't all that interested in the wheats and the dogs cleaned up quite a few that had been thrown to the floor.

For lunch I was in a bit of a quandary, I had a full cupboard but not very much time to cook so George had last nights left over sweet potato wedges (thrown on the floor) and sweetcorn fritters, which I thought he had thrown overboard mostly, but have recently found out that he ate quite a few, if you know what I mean. Pudding was strawberries which as usual went down the hatch with no problem

Tea was a family affair of shepherds pie. G wasn't that fussed really but did eat some of it. Pudding was a nectarine, a former favourite, but after a bit of gumming it was thrown aside for the dogs to come and clear up. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better food day for G.

Friday, 16 May 2008

Thursday 16th

Well, for Breakfast G had Porridge Pancakes, basically it is porridge (well ready brek as it's all I had) cooked for a loooong time, then made into little 'blobs' for want of a better word, and cooled. He didn't like them, they ended up on the floor, can't say I blame him really as I tasted them and they were rank. He also had a banana but again most of it ended up on the floor.

Lunch time was an emergency meal of eggy bread and raisins. George again threw most of his dinner onto the floor and honed his pincer grip on the raisins. he actually managed to eat some too so he must be getting better.

Tea was a much more colourful affair, having been shopping I was able to offer George a variety of veg. Sweet potato wedges, broccolli, cauliflower, mini corns, cucumber and cherry tomatoes were mainly discarded, but a dessert of strawberries was polished off in no time!

He is getting his top 2 teeth now as well so expect less eating and more screaming from the boy in the next few days!

Thursday, 15 May 2008

Slack Mummy

Contrary to popular belief George has been eating stuff since the last entry, it's just that I haven';t been updating things, but hey, it's my blog and I shall do with it what I will. Really the whole sickness thing had reduced so much I had thought we didn't need to keep much of a log of what he'd eaten but there have been a few sicky episodes that have prompted me to revisit the food diary thing.

George has taken to breakfasts in a big way, having real human sized portions of cereals, although somewhat controversially he didn't really take that much to shreddies. He wasn't too keen on mini oatibix either, I think it was the apple and sultana that put him off. Mini wheats are definitely the big hits here. Yesterday, due to lack of planning G had swiftly made wakey cakeys which he wolfed down, if they didn't need cooking I could do him these everyday and I think he'd be happy.

for main meals George has eaten loads of stuff, and we've even eaten as a whole family a couple of times....scary I know. Meals of note include, chicken and chickpea burgers, fishcakes, veggie patties and gnocchi bolognese, all have gone down well, in fact the gnocchi bol was last nights tea and was an occasion we ate as a whole family. George however isn't keen on us eating when he is, spending the entire time grumping, until we had finished, he then quite happily tucked into his own dinner.

One of the big hits has been strawberries, he must have eaten 2 punnet fulls by himself (with only minimal helping from me), it got to a point where I had to leave them in the kitchen until he had finished his main meal, otherwise it would have been all chucked on the floor.

Here are some pics of him...(and one of cousin Hannah perfecting her Jaffa cake smile)

We still don't have a pincer grip here, although he is only 7 1/2 months, we do however have rolling everywhere and he is somehow able to move forwards on his tummy, although doesn't crawl....not sure how.

Friday, 25 April 2008

Shepherds Pie - AT LAST

On Wednesday George had Cranberry wheats to start with. he was still creating after he had polished off a mahoosive owlful so I got him a banana for afters, he seemed to be a lot more satified after that!

Wednesday lunch consisted of Pasta leftovers from Tuesday night, we had had pasta and meatballs but George had Pasta and Pesto which went down well. He also had a pear for pudding.

Tea was a rather hurried affaor, occuring as it did before netball. He had sweet potato and parsnip wedges, although the 'snips were a bit hard so got left. For pudding he had some halved grapes which are always welcome!

Thursday saw George having wheats and banana again for breakfast, is there no end to this boys appetite?? Lunch was eaten at a friends house while sat on my knee, George excelled himself and ate sweet potato wedges, pear and plum, before throwing the rest of the bits on the floor, luckily Rach didn't seem to mind.

For Tea George had his first real meal (not that beef stew wasn;t real but you know what I mean). Finally he has tasted the Holy Grail that is shepherds pie. He had it without Gravy and brown sauce but still it went down quite well. The mince did make him gag a bit as although very small, and small enough to swallow, I think it was a bit rough on the way down!

Today Grandma and Grandad are back from France so who knows what delights he will have for lunch???

Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Things that have been happening

So, I know it looks as if George hasn't eaten for weeks and weeks but I promise you he has been having 3 meals a day everyday - and somedays he's managed 4!

We've been keeping a rigourous food diary on paper since I had to complete one for the dietician (which reminds me, I really must send that in..ooops) so I know exactly what George has been eating, rather than bore you all with the detailsI'll provide you with all the exciting highlights...Much like Match of the Day without the annoying commentary or analysis.


George has mainly had mini shredded wheats for breakfast as they are a good size to handle, and he likes them. Prefences so far are for the blueberry ones but we're currently on day 1 of the cranberry ones so we'll see. Rice milk is the accompaniment to wheats and I must say I'm getting used to the taste too so it mustn't be too bad. On the days where we've not been organised enough to have not run out of wheats we have resorted to either toast or fruit combinations...George was going to have left over roast potatoes for breakfast morning again but he's since learnt the hard way that you have to be quick off the mark if you want left over roasties in this house!

Ooooh he must have had crumpets one day too as here he is from the 10th April having crumpet for the first time, with what appears to be a Blueberry Wheat chaser.


George tends to have quick lunches but things he has had these past couple of weeks include Pasta with a homemade sauce, crumpets, fruit and veg. He has had lunch out once too (already, how posh!) after Yoga and had a variety of stuff, including a Marmite sandwich, Carrot poofs, Melon and an organix gingerbread man. Unfortunately he made a BIG mess, but fortunetely his little friend Isabelle was there to show everyone that BLW wasn'll all about mess and smushing food everywhere!
Here he is after his first pasta and sauce meal

Tea has been generally where I have made a bigger efort for George, he seems to like eating at this time more than lunch so always has a bigger appetite. I suppose this could be because he substituted a breast feed for this meal, so has always had food at this time.

Some interesting things George has eaten include potato cakes (or how to use up left over mash), pasta and sauce, a whole nectarine, beans on toast (I know you want to see the pictures!!), veggie patties (I had to add a lot more flour than expected to these), Pasta and pesto (dairy free one that contains nut reaction yet...yay!!) and Beef Stew.

Here's the pictures
Veggie Patties
Beans on Toast


Beef Stew

Saturday, 12 April 2008

The Big 6 months, and what happened thereafter

I know it appears that George hasn't eaten for weeks but to be honest, we were really building up to the big 6 months, where he would be allowed WHEAT! I now know exactly what he ate as I have been keeping a food diary to take to the dietitian and have been writing everything he and I ate down (including my marshmallow fetish).

So - Monday 7th was Georges official 6 month birthday and he celebrated with a whole load of wheaty stuff! For breakfast he had 6 blueberry wheats (following cousin Hannahs lead here) 1 plum, a fig and half a banana...this was swiftly dispatched - the boy obviously likes wheat! After a morning spent studying him for any adverse reaction I decided that it was unlikely he was going to sprout horns and such like, and concluded that wheat was here to stay, which makes things a bit easier for future meals!

Lunch on Monday was George's favourite Roast Vegetable medley - mainly an orange affair with sweet potato and butternut squash but I did slip some roasties in there too and the 'rents will be pleased to know that operation Marmite has begun, George had a 1/4 roll with the brown yeasty nectar spread on it, and he didn't spit it out so that was a bonus!

Having turned 6 months George is also now having 3 meals a day and his tea consisted of pear and melon, he seemed quite upset about the size of this meal and could probably have done with some more real food, think I'm going to be out of a job if he carries on at this rate.

Even though it was such a momentous day I didn't actually take any pics so here's some from the week before hand!

This looks like it was an avacado based meal!
Orange vegetables again
Sippy cup hilarity

Tuesday, 1 April 2008

Roast Potato Breakfast

Well, as I was a lazy mummy and hadn't been to the shop George had leftovers for breakfast and I must say, he takes after his daddy on the roast potato front. They were thoroughly gummed and I had to go back for more! In addition to roasties George had a bit of melon, I thnk it was a bit cold for him, having come straight out of the fridge so it was mainly ignored then thrown on the floor.

Lunch was a lot more succesful having been shopping. George had some rice cakes with last weeks hummous spread on them (sparingly), a banana and a plum. The rice cakes were attacked rather ferociously, babyG obviously likes the strong taste of hummous, but it was the banana that swiftly became the main meal being throughly chomped on for about half an hour.

I think the hummous had dome something to babyG's inside though as there were a few ominous bum trumps throughout the rest of the day, with a bit of sickiness, and he smelt like garlic for a fair while too. He did however go to bed really well so it can't have been too bad.

Monday, 31 March 2008

George Discovers Nectarines

We have been away this weekend so food has been at odd times and sometimes missed out all together! On Friday we had our normal meals so breakfast was banana and melon, the melon a bit under ripe still so this wasn't really looked at in much detail but the banana seemed to go down well again, I think I added a pear to the proceedings too at some point and from my (very blurry memory) I think he still likes it!
Lunch on Friday was a veritable feast with babyG being offered sweet potato wedges sprinkled with cinnamon and rice cakes with homemade hummous on them. For the hummous I whizzed up a can of chick peas, some oil, some garlic and lime juice, then a couple of sun dried tomatoes. This could possibly be the best thing that George has ever eaten and I did have to go and get more rice cakes as he was banging his hands on the tray and shrieking! Here's a picture of George looking quite messy after this meal!

Friday night turned into a bit of a nightmare though with George waking at 3 and staying up till 5, not sure why, perhaps it was the garlic??

On Saturday we were off to Aunty Caty's house so breakfast was foregone in favour of a 3 hour car journey however Cate had prepared sweet potato wedges and roast courgette fingers which George wolfed down, Hannah on the other hand disregarded the courgette in spectacular fashion flinging it aside in favour of pudding. We had to wipe the fromage frais from the sippy cup before George *shared* it however as I don;t think Fromage Frais classes as non dairy!

Sunday was again a one meal day, breakfast consisted of Pear and Nectarine. I have never seen George eat so much fruit, I quartered the nectarine and George really went for it, at the end of the meal there was only skin left and babyG excelled himself in front of family and showed his eating skills off magnificently to big cousin Hannah.

In a break from tradition, tomorrows meals include roast potato breakfast, tune back in for more details tomorrow!

Friday, 28 March 2008

Wednesday and Thursday's Fud

Well, yesterday was quite busy so I didn't have time to update but on Wednesday George had banana for breakfast again, he seems to be a bit more keen on trying banana so perhaps I've finally got the serving method right (cut in half then peel about 1/3 of the skin). He also had a couple of Organix Apple Rice cakes. For lunch he had potato, sweet potato and carrot - roasted of course, and again did some sippy cup practice.

Yesterday George had banana and melon for breakfast and the banana was preferred to the melon for the first time ever..I don't think the new melon was as ripe as previous offerings so it was discarded in favour of mushier banana.

Lunch was leftovers with some added extras. Matt and I had had shepherds pie on Wednesday night so babyG (and Mummy) had lwftovers with baked beans. George actually only had the mash from the top (made with pure spread instead of butter and milk) and beans and seemed to like it very much. It had to be spoon fed but he took control of the spoon and managed to actually eat quite a lot of it himself, I of course was loading the spoon for him but he is only 5 and 3/4 months! (crumpet/pikelet minus 8 days and counting)

Here is some video of him being naughty with the spoon

All in all a succesful food day.

Hopefully there are no typos in this, I was told off by my dad so I've spellchecked this time!

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Boy Flu - like man flu but for little people

Yes, George has had his first taste of man flu, he caught it off his daddy who had it BAD, babyG seems to be out of the worst of it now though and a bit more interested in eating. So on Sunday George had banana for breakfast which was duly messed with then gummed and then thrown on the floor...not a great start. Lunch however went much better, we were out to lunch with Matts parents and my MIL had done baby G some roasted veg so he sat on my knee with a muslin tied round his neck and proceeded to scoff the lot. Whether he was showing off in front of people I don't know but he seemed to wolf some things down (noticeably sweet potato - again!).

After a diabolical night on Sunday which saw an emergency Medised administrations at 3:15am George skipped breakfast in favour of crying and generally being a whinge bag, although I soon forgave him as he was suffering quite badly. For lunch babyG had some sweet potato wedges (running low again, time to shop I think) and a couple of Organix apple rice cakes which he isn't really sure about but seems to like scraping his teeth on.

I'm not sure whether it's the lack of dairy in my diet but George seems to have turned a slight corner with his evening sleepings, for the first time since he was born he has regularly gone to bed before 8 o clock, almost unheard of and we are finding time to eat properly in the evenings again which is nice.

On Tuesday George had his first mush! We only had very ripe bananas so I mashed it and added a spoon. I tried to feed George but he was having none of it (YAY) so in the end I loaded the spoon and let him do his worst, his aim was rubbish so we swiftly left the banana to one side and proceeded with a pear which I have to admit George ate a surprising amount of.
Lunch yesterday was potato wedges (no surprises there if you also have read Hannah's blog!) which again George seemed to like quite well - and I had them too. Between us we shared 2 potatoes and I had a dollop of ketchup with mine. BabyG had his plain though :o)

After the Easter break we'll have to start eating out occasionally so that should be fun, ideas for non dairy picnic food welcomed.

PS - Georges 6 month birthday is already planned, he will be celebrating with a crumpet/pikelet..good lad!

Saturday, 22 March 2008

Melanie Goodness

Today saw a return to Melon as our favourite breakfast fruit, this time it was a galia melon which obviously was more attractive than anything else on the tray owing to that fact that it is orange, also on offer for breakfast was banana which was served 1/4 ered with some of the skin removed from each piece, leaving a nice handle for babyG to grap onto. A surprising amount of banana seemed to get eaten this way and I think we may have cracked the squishy banana problem.

For lunch George scoffed loads, he had some purple sprouting broccoli (oversteamed again...for a change), some cauliflower, some asparagus tips and some melon (to chomp on while the rest cooled). There was a brief 'melon turned down in favour of broccoli' moment but the grandads amongst us will be relieved to know that broccoli was soon shunned in favour of the melon yet again!

No foodie pictures today but here is George standing looking out of the lounge window - check out his big cloth bum!

Friday, 21 March 2008

Cupboard Breakfast

Owing more to the fact that they were the only thing left suitable in the house rather than any pre thought out menu, George had avocado and pear for breakfast...they both went down fairly well, with perhaps the avocado being favoured over the pear. Breakfast also saw the introduction of the sippy cup for the first time and Baby G seemed to know exactly what to do with it and once I'd taken the valve out which meant the water just came out he was pleasantly surprised by the whole thing. I'd left the skin on the avocado and it was quickly dispatched once George got used to the slimyness! Breakfast was followed with a chaser of calpol as babyG was screaming (prime suspect = teeth)

For lunch George had a variety of things including purple sprouting broccoli, some baked apple segments and an Organix apple rice cake (stage 2 suitable from 7 months...we'll show them at 24 weeks!) - can you tell I'd been shopping? All of this went down really well, but I have found out that purple sprouting broccoli has looser leaves than normal evidenced by the bits found on the floor after the meal.

The rice cake was dealt with really well and some of it even went down which I didn't think would happen as it is by far the driest food that George has dealt with so far, again lunch was polished of with calpol pudding...poor babyG.

In other news, we have been referred to a dietitian as George gets a funny rash over his eyes and top of his head when he is breastfeeding, despite the dairy free diet, so hopefully we'll start to get some answer to the whole rash, eczema and vomiting conundrum.

Thursday, 20 March 2008

Already slacking in the updating department!

Well 2 days seem to have gone past but we have been quite busy with appointments and stuff so meals have been very ad hoc and babyG has had breakfast on Tuesday and a rushed tea on Wednesday.

On Tuesday morning George had his usual Melon (as did mummy) but unfortunately we had run out of Mango as an accompaniment so he was introduced to pear. To be honest it was very overripe and quite difficult for him to handle but he seemed to manage OK with it, after the first couple of gags anyway!

Yesterday morning saw George chomping away on a variety of fruit that always seem to get left at the bottom of the fruit bowl, he had pear (again, very ripe), plum (very ripe) and a brown banana. He seemed to be into the plum, I suspect as it was bright red in comparison to his otherwise beige breakfast. He gagged on it a few times and the skin came of fairly easily which confused him so after a few gums it was flung to the floor very dramatically and quickly scoffled up by Sophie. The pear was received very well and gummed quite enthusiastically, but then the banana made it's grand entrance! As the banana we had was quite ripe I tried a couple of serving methods...firstly I cut it in half and just presented it to George - anyone seen a baby trying to cram 1/2 a banana in his mouth....lengthways??

this proved quite difficult to handle so for my next trick I left the skin on 2/3 of the piece and let him get on with it. To be honest most of it was spat out or squished between his fingers but I'm sure some went down the hatch as for the rest of the morning he had a vague aroma of banana yoghurt about him.

For Tea Goerge was presented with a variety of veg, he had steamed cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus and baby corn. I was trying to keep him off carbs as he had had banana for breakfast and I didn;t want it to back him up if you know what I mean! The asparagus was first to be efficiently dispatched, swiftly followed by that old favourite broccoli! The Cauliflower was munched on fairly enthusiastically too, although the baby corn swiftly found it's way into the dogs mouth.

George was happy to sit at his high chair for ages playing with his food so I know that he enjoys his time 'eating', and while he is still quite sick it appears that more 'solid' things are staying down so hopefully we'll see a difference there too.

In other George news....He has another tooth, it broke through yesterday morning so we are now regularly brushing them before bed. he also is getting very good at rolling around, both from front to back and back to front which is good, but means we need to watch him closely to see what he's after grabbing! He also has come on leaps and bounds with sitting and will happily sit playing for a couple of minutes (wedged with the cushion). When I find the camera cable there'll be some piccys too!

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Showing off at Eating

This weekend we were away at a Christening and I wasn't sure how George would manage with his eating in a busy household but no problems there. George isn't being given regular meals yet, I tend to do him breakfast because he's always awake and it gives me an oppotunity to sit down with him at the table and share a meal (my fruit intake has gone up dramatically), then, depending on naps he will either have an early lunch or early tea - if available. So, we arrived at the house on Saturday afternoon and I promptly cut George up some melon and mango to eat as he had had no breakfast (mean mummy) on account of the 4 hour drive. Well, he wolfed it down and I was so proud, all the distractions of new people and big cousins did nothing to put George off his food.

On Sunday morning George again had Melon and Mango before the Christening and for lunch (early tea) he had a variety of roasted veg (parsnip, carrot and sweet potato) again, the crowds didn't put George off his food and he pretty much polished off everything that was put before him. It's definitely going down too, and out the other end, as evidenced by some choice nappies!

Here he is eating on Sunday (with mummy)

Monday was a return to home so again, no breakfast, but his later meal was again roast veg (sweet potato, parsnip and carrot) with the addition of a bit of pepper softened in the oven. Unsurprisingly the 'snip was shunned for orange food, with sweet potato taking preference over carrot. The red pepper was viewed suspiciously as it introduces a new colour to food, but George did give it a go and didn't seem too distressed by the taste.

Just a thought - must find some way of keeping the sleeves close to BabyG's arms as they always seem to get filled with food.

In other, non eating news babyG is often found upside down in the morning these days )not literally). I think he wakes up then decides that he won;t be going back to sleep and flips himself over onto his back to look at the ceiling (i before e except after c), which means we get a bit of respite as he lies there chuntering to himself quite happily for a while...Hoorah

Thursday, 13 March 2008

Week 1 - in which George tries all sorts of things

Well we only just got into the blog thing but I have been weaning George for a week now and he has had solid food on most of these days. We started off with Sweet Potato Wedges first which babyG decided were the best thing since breastmilk, we have also tried broccoli and carrot, steamed courgette which babyG really wasn't impressed with (have you tasted them??). We have also given him roasted parsnips which he loved, and we had his first num num so that was pleasing...

Today saw babyG being presented with melon for breakfast (his first breakfast meal) which wass swiftly followed by a full body change for him as the melon was a bit overripe and thus quite juicy...lunch consisted of a variety of roasted veg, parsnip, sweet potato and butternut squash, to be honest most of it ended up in the dog but I'm sure that George ate someting.

We experienced a gag today too, but George did really well at spitting the food back out, and I was amazed at how much had gone down! It turns out Georges gag point is about 7 cm from his lips!!!

Here are some pics of what has been going on this week

Courgette - Sweet Potato and Carrot and Broccoli

As far as reaction go, the broccoli seemed to give George very bad wind, and perhaps the courgette made him slightly sick (well it would me) but other than that, it's all down the hatch... Hoorah!

A bit about us

Hello - Welcome to George Eating Stuff, this is where George's journey into the world of real food will be documented, a) so the grandparents and other interested relatives can see how he's getting on and b) so I have a record of what George is eating should we have some sort of reaction

To see the rationale behind what we are doing
check this out or see George's big cousin Hannah at her blog

So, moving on swiftly I am Jo, and mainly play a supporting role in this epic tale... The real star of the show is George (aka babyG) and his ever expanding diet!

George was born on 07-10-07 (nice symmetry there, well kind of!) and is currently 22 weeks (nearly 23). He is solely breastfed and has never had any formula, not ever. He also is a very sicky baby and is one a variety of medicines to control his reflux (infant Gaviscon, Ranitidine and domperidone - his champagne medicine) He may also have a milk protein intolerance so don't expect any dairy filled meals. It was suggested that we wean the traditional way when babyG was 17 weeks but we decided to wait until he could self feed, so here we are, 22 weeks old - George
can sit in his high chair well and puts everything to his mouth so we though we'd give it a go...

Here is Baby G before he started eating anything, practising for the real thing by eating food in his high chair